Sunday, February 1, 2015

Reading Challenges 2015: January Update

1. Goodreads Reading Challenge

Towards my goal of reading 200 books this year, in January I read...11 books. It's a pretty abysmal start, especially since, according to Goodreads, I am already 6 books behind schedule. But my goal for February is to at least get back on schedule, if not get a little bit ahead. I'm not giving up!

2. POPSUGAR 2015 Reading Challenge

Of the 50 reading tasks on the POPSUGAR reading challenge checklist, I managed to complete 8 of them in the month of January. Here are the tasks I completed along with the books I read:

A book with magic
Midnight Riot (Peter Grant, #1)

A book set in a different country:
Moon Over Soho (Peter Grant, #2)

(I live in Canada and the Peter Grant novels are set in England)

A book set somewhere you've always wanted to visit
Whispers Under Ground (Peter Grant, #3)

(This book is set in London, a place I've wanted to visit for a long time)

A book by a female author
The Shining Girls

A nonfiction book
The End of Power: From Boardrooms to Battlefields and Churches to States, Why Being In Charge Isn't What It Used to Be

A book published this year
The Girl on the Train

A mystery or thriller
Foxglove Summer (Peter Grant, #5)

A book set in high school
The Fever

Eight tasks down, forty-two more to go!

3. The Book Riot 2015 Reading Challenge

Of the 24 tasks in the Book Riot challenge I managed to complete one task. But I am on track to complete at least a few more in February. 

A book by a person whose gender is different from your own:
Midnight Riot (Peter Grant, #1)

4. The Gothic Challenge

This challenge, hosted by Books Under the Bed challenges readers to read Gothic fiction. I pledged to read 10 books and unfortunately I didn't read any in January but I'm hoping to read at least one in February.

5. Fairytale Challenge

The Daily Prophecy

This challenge, hosted by The Daily Prophecy, challenges readers to read Fairytale retellings. I challenged myself to read at least 9 books for this challenge. I didn't read any in January but I am planning to read Marissa Meyer's Lunar Chronicles in February so that's going to be at least 4 books right there. (I'm not sure if I should include short stories or not.)

6. Books to Screen Challenge

Okay, a minor update for this challenge. I originally pledged to try to read all of the books being turned into movies this year. But there were seven movies based on books coming out in January alone. So I am going to modify this challenge a little bit. I'm going to read as many as I can but I won't be reading as many as I originally planned. I haven't read any in January but a certain romance novel is being brought to the big screen in February so I might have to revisit the source material. (Is anyone else fifty shades of excited?)

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