Allie Brosh writes the award-winning blog Hyperbole and a Half. This book is a collection of a few of her popular blog entries as well as some new material.
Having never read Brosh's blog, I wasn't sure what to expect when I started reading this book. All I knew about it was that it was apparently pretty funny.
Major fucking understatement.
I read this book in approximately three hours and laughed hysterically through most of that. The only other book that has made me laugh as hard was Let's Pretend This Never Happened by Jenny Lawson, another kick-ass lady blogger. And I'm not talking about the kind of laugh where you just blow air through your nose for a second. I'm talking about the kind of laughter that starts loud and then becomes completely silent as you're just writhing around on the couch gasping for air and if someone were to walk in on you they would call the paramedics because they would be under the impression that you were having some kind of seizure. Read this book in public at your own peril. People will think you have escaped from a mental institution.
The best parts of this book are the chapters featuring her dogs and the ones on depression. The cartoons of her dogs are hilarious and I have never read anything on depression that is so accurate while at the same time making me pee my pants.
This is one of the funniest books I have ever read in my entire life. Buy it. Read it. Pee your pants.
Here's my Video review of Hyperbole and a Half
Here's my Video review of Hyperbole and a Half
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