#1. The Winner's Curse (The Winner's Trilogy #1) by Marie Rutkoski

The first book in a highly-anticipated YA fantasy series, it features a love story between a general's daughter and a slave.
#2. Promise of Shadows by Justina Ireland

Come on, that cover! It's so gorgeous I don't even care what the book is about. Just kidding, the book's about a teenage Harpy assassin. Enough said.
#3. Gilded (Gilded #1) by Christina L. Farley

A YA fantasy novel about a girl who must deal with moving to Korea from LA, a cranky grandfather, and a soul-stealing demi-god.
#4. The Tropic of Serpents (Memoir by Lady Trent #2) by Marie Brennan

The sequel to last year's A Natural History of Dragons. When I heard the sequel was coming out, I started freaking out. And I nearly died when I saw the cover.
#5. The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton

A magical realism YA novel about a girl born with the wings of a bird.
#6. Words of Radiance (The Stormlight Archive #2) by Brandon Sanderson

This is probably one of the most highly-anticipated fantasy novels being published this year. I've gotten through the first half of the first book so far and it is amazing. I'm thinking this one will be even better.
#7. Death Sworn (Death Sworn #1) by Leah Cypess

A YA fantasy novel about a sorceress who is losing her powers.
#8. The Weirdness by Jeremy Bushnell

Here is the synopsis of this book: 'A struggling novelist gets a visit from Lucifer, who promises to get him a great book deal if he helps save the world by retrieving Satan's magical Welcome Cat.' How could you go wrong with this book, really?
#9. The Enchanted by Rene Denfeld

This debut novel has been getting rave reviews. The title refers to an ancient stone prison.
#10. Boy, Snow, Bird by Helen Oyeyemi

A novel that retells one of my favorite fairy tales, Snow White.
#11. The Pilgrims (Pendulum #1) by Will Elliott

A fantasy novel that features an ordinary man traveling to a another world that features Dragon-Gods.
#12. Last God Standing by Michael Boatman

God decides to quit being God and become a stand-up comedian.
#13. The Undertaking of Lily Chen by Danica Novgorodoff

A boy in rural China who accidentally kills his brother must go on a journey to find the perfect bride to join his brother in the afterlife. The only trouble is the woman he chooses is very much alive.
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